Mulberry Grove The Forestias, A Natural Retreat For The Whole Family
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Mulberry Grove The Forestias, a nature retreat near Bangkok

Publish : 2 years ago | Blog

Families Can Live Close To Nature At Mulberry Grove Villas And Condominiums

Most city people only think of living in nature surrounded by big trees with birds singing in the morning and crickets chirping at night when they leave the bustling city and lights to visit to rural provinces. But what if you could have natural accommodations near Bangkok where you could hear the sound of birds singing and breathe in fresh air before starting your morning? You could also wind down your day here, sleeping among the sounds of nature every night. Wouldn’t it also be great to share this restful living space with your family?


Mulberry Grove, The Forestias, is both a private resort and a home where everyone can live happily together. It is designed to support the lifestyle of family members in every generation.


 Perfectly Designed with Private and Common Spaces

Mulberry Grove, a brand under MQDC, was designed under the concept of "Making happiness for all generations." This is different from other brands in the market as it brings in the concept of an old-fashioned Thai household. The area is divided into distinct areas with separate houses to increase privacy. But there are also common areas where everyone can do activities together.


For this reason, Mulberry Grove has meticulously designed the living spaces with private and common areas to add happiness and encourages building bonds between family members who live together. This layout follows the concept of nurturing intergenerational happiness by using the following four design elements:


  1. Designed for intergenerational harmony – The houses are designed to meet the needs of everyone in the family with facilities suitable for people of all ages. This means everyone can live happily together, no matter what their generation.
  2. Caring community – Designs provide space for families to do activities together. As for the villas, there is a hall in the middle of the house where you can dine together, host parties, watch movies, play games, or do other activities to build good family relationships.
  3. Value creation neighborhood – This design scheme helps add psychological and economic value ​​to family and society. Living together with relatives improves family members' quality of life and mental health. There is sharing of knowledge and ideas from generation to generation.
  4. Dimensional well-being – These house layouts promote quality of life for people of all ages. Various technologies and innovations have been introduced to help residents care for their health. They are also built to be comfortable without creating pollution, according to the universal design principles for happy lives for the elderly.


Common Areas that Support Activities for People of all Ages 

Not only are the in-house spaces designed for all generations, but the outdoor areas, which are shared common areas, are also designed for the whole family. This way, everyone in the family can participate in activities together as they live amid nature every day. 


Here are some examples of common areas in Mulberry Grove:

  • Mulberry Reserve Club –  an activities area for the whole family to enjoy together
  • The Play Room (Kids Room) – a play area for children
  • The Studio (Exercise Area) –  an exercise area for people of all ages
  • Yoga Room – an are located amid shaded nature that is open for yoga practice
  • Sauna – a warm steam room that helps build immunity and improve blood flow
  • Swimming Pool –  a beautiful swimming area surrounded by nature


A Nature Retreat Near Bangkok for Everyday Living 

There is no longer a need to travel far; it is possible to stay in nature accommodations close to Bangkok every day. This residence is near the large Mega Bangna shopping center for convenience when you need to purchase items. In the future, there will also be a light rail that cuts through the project, making commuting to work and school more comfortable than ever before.


Mulberry Grove is one of the house projects in the area of ​​The Forestias project with a forest garden of 30 rai in the project. The project contains various flowers, making this area comparable to a large lung that helps create fresh air and regulate the temperature inside the project, keeping it 2-3 degrees Celsius cooler than outside. There are also planted trees and a pond within the Mulberry Grove project that enhance the project's atmosphere.


30-rai Forest Park

Over 56% of the total landscape in The Forestias has been transformed into forests and green spaces where people, animals, and plants can coexist happily.

- Forest in the center of the project – This area connects every project in The Forestias, so each residence allows access to this fertile green area. A canopy walkway stretches into the forest at a treetop height (approximately 8-12 meters). This allows residents to walk through the forest and admire the beauty of nature every day. There is no need to wait for a holiday to experience nature.

During the day, butterflies and birds fly in the forest, and during the night, little fireflies illuminate the trees as if walking among the stars on the Milky Way.

- Deep forest – This is an area of ​​large trees with great biodiversity. It is a home for many animals to live in peace, free from human interference. The entrance to this area is not allowed, and only the staff can take care of the animals and plants inside the area. 

- Activities area – Amid nature is an area where residents can sit and listen to music, picnic, go camping, take a walk, bring the kids to play, or hold a lovely wedding ceremony with a warm, forest atmosphere.

- Forest Pavilion – This is a learning center on sustainable ecosystems that encourages people to learn about the environment and coexist in balance with natural habitats.

A Large Garden Nestled in Mulberry Grove

The forest is shared within every project, and the Mulberry Grove project allows only residents to use these areas. The project has planted additional large trees within the project to ensure that every villa and condo has a panoramic view of the forest from a wide balcony. There is also a waterway within the project and connecting pathways that bring each resident a step close to nature. 


Mulberry Grove Offers The Perfect Residence Amid Nature For Families

Design that takes into account the health of the residents 

Mulberry Grove has designed two types of residences to meet all living needs: villas and low-rise condominiums.

Mulberry Grove The Forestias Villas

The villas are settled in the middle of nature in the form of a home cluster with only 37 villas in the project. A connected home is like a family bond that never fades. The project designs promote happy lives for everyone in the family with the following highlights.

  • Group house plans designed for a large family connect each house by a bridge to make them feel closer even when residents live in different villas.
  • The front porch area is similar to an older Thai home where guests would be received in the patio area. Residents can use this space to host small parties or other family activities on family days.
  • Common rooms in the middle of each house provide a space for families to meet every day, whether eating, talking, or watching movies together. 
  • The villa is raised on a high platform to increase usable space with good ventilation and heat. This is like a traditional Thai house that usually allows the wind from outside to flow under the house, keeping the house cool and reducing humidity.
  • Housing includes outdoor maintenance, so taking care of these areas won’t take up time that residents could spend resting or doing activities together. 
  • The first LEED-certified housing standard in Thailand is designed to reduce energy consumption. Heat is considered by constructing housing from specific materials and adding a wall layer that reduces heat, with innovative air conditioning systems that naturally cool the floors. This includes preparing the system to support future solar cell use.


Mulberry Grove The Forestias Condominiums

For smaller families that want to live together for many generations, we also have low-rise condominiums that blend private and common areas as perfectly as our villas. Let’s look at some of the highlights:

  • Full height IGU glass windows open for panoramic views of nature every day, where residents can sit and enjoy the breeze and forest view while relaxing in the morning with coffee or breakfast. This makes every day feel like living in a private resort.
  • A common area outside the rooms allows a natural breeze to come through, ventilating the building throughout the day. This helps to circulate air and alleviate humidity.
  • Parking is available for 180% of residences. The extra parking, more than a typical condominium, supports living together as a large family.

For those who like to live in natural surroundings where they can hear birdsong in the daytime and listen to the lullaby sound of crickets at night, we would like to introduce the Mulberry Grove The Forestias. This residence allows family members of all generations to enjoy life together. Those interested can make an appointment to visit the project or call 1265.


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