Holistic Lifetime Care in Thailand For The Over 50s
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New Homes with Holistic Lifetime Care for over 50s in Thailand

Publish : 2 years ago | Blog

A Woman Arranging Lifetime Care Services In Thailand

Nowadays, people aged 50 and over begin transitioning to a new life with fewer burdens and responsibilities; they are likely to be debt-free, and their children are grown up and able to support themselves. Therefore, the over 50s can pay more attention to their health and wellness and establish a lifestyle they love. Some even seek out a community that provides holistic lifetime care.


Preventative Healthcare

Health is wealth. As we get older, our bodies start deteriorating. Therefore, it’s important to stay nourished and take care of ourselves while we’re still healthy rather than waiting until we get sick. Holistic lifetime care helps prevent illnesses that can occur when you neglect your well-being. Daily preventative healthcare may include:


Eating Healthy and Nutrient-Rich Food

Many say that “Food is medicine” and we can see why. Not only does food cure illnesses, but it also nourishes and boosts your health. Vegetables and fruits, fish, lean meat, and grains are all recommended for a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to eat a variety of foods from each of the five food groups, not the same diet every day. You should refrain from high-fat and rich-flavor foods and reduce or quit drinking and smoking.


Recreational Activities To Boost Well-being

Daily activities can enhance your quality of life, bring you joy, and help build a healthy body and mind. Daily activities for those over 50 should consist of social, emotional, physical, and cognitive activities:


- Social activities: As people age, some begin to feel worried and scared for the future. For this reason, social activities for those over 50 can help boost self-esteem, such as doing community service projects, volunteering, making merit, traveling, or doing activities with their family and friends, as well as making new friends.


- Emotional activities: activities that help stabilize emotions and the mind may include meditating, watching movies, listening to music, and hobbies to de-stress and alleviate loneliness. 


- Physical activities: exercising always benefits your health, regardless of age, as it boosts your physical strength. Also, when you exercise, your body releases endorphins – often called “happiness chemicals.” However, it’s important not to overdo it and consult your doctor beforehand if you have medical issues. 


- Cognitive activities: learning is never-ending. Intellectual development doesn’t stop in childhood. Learning new things expands your knowledge and abilities and prevents brain degeneration and Alzheimer’s. Examples of cognitive activities include learning new languages, art, playing musical instruments, or crafting. 

Living in a Good Environment

Living in a good environment surrounded by trees a nature is one way to ensure your mental well-being, regardless of age. A Harvard study revealed that those who live amidst nature tend to live longer with better overall health than those in cities with fewer green areas.


As we all know, trees are the best air purifiers for cities. A tree can absorb up to 9-15 kg of carbon dioxide per year. Moreover, it can trap up to 1.4kg of dust and pollution per year. Most importantly, big trees can act as sound barriers as well.


In addition, living in a green area encourages us to leave the house for fresh air, take a walk, and do outdoor activities.


Universal Design

As we age, we may not need large living spaces but a space that suits the physical changes of aging. A home with Universal Design provides safety, no changes in floor level, no slippery spaces, and handrails. Every room is accessible with wider doors for wheelchair access, adequate lighting, and access to nature.


The Aspen Tree is a residential project that offers the over 50s a high quality of life, including holistic lifetime care. Rooms are spacious and designed to be beautiful and private. The project is surrounded by a 30-rai forest within The Forestias project. Moreover, lifetime care services are provided by experts. On top of that, residents can enjoy common areas and other facilities, plus various workouts and skill-building activities.



Planting Is One Of The Lifetime Care Activities At The Aspen Tree In Thailand


Health and Brain Center At The Aspen Tree

The Aspen Tree is dedicated to providing holistic lifetime care. Our Health and Brain Center offers brain healthcare services, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and brain training programs for adults over 50. The Health and Brain Center offers: 


  • 24/7 Professional Healthcare Team standing by to give advice and assistance in case of emergencies.
  • Short-Term Rehabilitation Center to assist residents during their recovery.
  • Adult Day Care service for those who require special assistance or close supervision by well-trained caretakers.
  • Brain and Memory Care Center providing brain care services, from degeneration prevention and rehabilitation to treatments for diseases related to the brain and memory.
  • Long-Term Elderly Care Center for older adults who need around-the-clock assistance.
  • Activities to rehabilitate and stimulate the brain and memory to slow down brain degeneration. These include light exercise, skill-building activities, hobbies, and crafting.


The Aspen Tree doesn’t just provide new homes but holistic lifetime care in Thailand. Therefore, it offers a new life to the over 50s where you get to live your life, take care of your health, and enjoy fun activities. If you are interested in our project, book a visit through our call center 1265.

#lifetime care