We might be familiar with the term ‘Smart city’ in these several years since various countries across the world have been developing digital technology to uplift standard of living whether it be public utilities, safety and asset management, education, energy consumption or even ecology and environment.
The Forestias is one of the project that resemble Smart City in Thailand by letting technology and innovations leads to greater efficiencies in terms of facilitation and living quality. The public utilities have been planned systematically, especially modern public transports which are adjustable for new emerging technologies in the future. Besides, Central Utilities Plant (CUP) System will be utilized to control thermal energy storage, chilled/hot water supply along with Water Management System to recycle the waste water before release to Forest Lagoon.
In addition, there’ll be community gathering spaces, health center, retail buildings, and various learning centers all packed within The Forestias. We promise to keep developing every sector within the project continuously to push forward the smart city concept and drive sustainability for all.