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How MQDC’s Criteria of Excellence Connect to the UN SDGs

MQDC bases its Criteria of Excellence on its ethos of “For All Well-Being”. This commitment inspires us to benefit not only our residents but also the communities they live among, wider society, and all the planet’s ecosystems.

These efforts for well-being are guided by the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which gather global insights on tackling the challenges facing humankind.

Read on to discover how each of these goals inspires MQDC in its efforts to safeguard the planet and help communities enjoy quality of life and sustainable well-being.

SDG about People SDG about People


We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfill their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.


No Poverty

Our assistance for people in need includes working through the Buddharaksa Foundation and with the Royal Thai Army to build and repair homes in underprivileged communities. We also give scholarships to lift families out of hardship, helping children and young people gain new skills at organizations such as Panyapiwat Institute of Management.


Zero Hunger

Through giving aid packs, setting up street kitchens, and stocking “pantries of sharing” we have strived so that nobody goes hungry in the neighborhoods hit hardest by the COVID-19 downturn. Our close links with local communities help us target acute need.


Good Health and Well-Being

Well-being for all is a key value in all we do. Through our research unit RISC by MQDC, we are tackling public health issues such as urban pollution with “Fahsai” air-purifying towers. We are helping develop robot assistants to aid healthcare teams. All our projects apply strict standards for health in materials and design. Safeguards include research to deter dengue mosquitoes. Roads have low speed limits are designed to keep pedestrians apart from cars. We maintain buildings and care for plants and animals without using hazardous chemicals. Design addresses PM2.5 pollution to protect from respiratory diseases. A Health & Brain Center at our flagship development will nurture the well-being of older adults.


Quality Education

Our efforts to broaden access to education include Whizdom Scholarships that give university students free accommodation. Our Whizdom Society seminars and workshops unlock personal potential and spark social contribution with their roster of inspiring expert speakers.


Gender Equality

Participating in the UN Global Compact as part of the DTGO group, MQDC is committed to respecting gender equality in all its business and societal contribution activities. We also work with the Baan Dek Foundation to help the children of our construction workers, developing infrastructure and enhancing their education, health, and safety.

SDG about Prosperity SDG about Prosperity


We are determined to ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social, and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.


Affordable and Clean Energy

We are committed to developing new high-efficiency, low-carbon energy systems to achieve our vision of sustainable well-being. Through research and innovation our flagship project will achieve huge savings in carbon emissions. A central utility plant (CUP) will raise efficiency through cogeneration and “district energy”, piping hot and cold water to building across the site. Passive design will further reduce AC demand. Under the “Light Up Your Life” project we are providing communities with public lighting from solar power.


Decent Work and Economic Growth

Under our ethos of “For All Well-Being”, we aim to spur the sustainable development of neighborhoods around our projects to provide good livelihoods. Our group’s membership of the UN Global Compact reflects our commitment to good employment practices. Our “Be the Change” project engages young people to address society’s economic and social challenges. By building careers and providing vocational training we are unlocking potential and boosting local economies.


Industry, Innovation
and Infrastructure

Our research unit, RISC by MQDC, is driving new approaches across our sector for well-being and sustainability. The team curates public resources and provides insights that drive our use of materials and choice of technologies under the MQDC Standard. The Forest Pavilion learning center at our flagship project will further spread new ideas and approaches.


Reduced Inequalities

Under the DTGO group’s policy framework for human rights and labor treatment, MQDC adheres to high standards and sets a code of conduct for its suppliers. We meanwhile act through societal contribution initiatives to relieve hardship and spark opportunity.


Sustainable Cities
and Communities

Our efforts in sustainability include applying green rating such as TREES to minimize the environmental impact of our buildings. We also ensure resilience by designing for future challenges such as floods and by curating sustainable lifestyles. Vertical gardens and green spaces bring in nature while holistic design encompasses waste disposal and rainwater collection.

SDG about Planet SDG about Planet


We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.


Clean Water
and Sanitation

With innovative design and technology we are working to conserve water supplies. A sophisticated system at our flagship project uses ponds to recycle used water and collect rainwater. Residents enjoy high-quality drinking water and the forest ecosystem will flourish safe from drought and floods.


Responsible Consumption
and Production

Our efforts to cut consumption include pioneering research into “upcycling”. This technology is applied in our projects to turn plastic waste into roads and walkways. Our full-cycle use of building information modeling (BIM) also minimizes construction waste. Our projects reduce operational waste through innovative approaches such as turning leftovers into fertilizer. We also hold events to boost awareness of sustainable development and eco-friendly consumption and production.


Climate Action

Our measures to combat climate change include careful planning to cut carbon emissions. Our projects create microclimates that counter the urban heat island effect. We reduce power demand for AC through technologies such as floor radiant cooling. We further safeguard the ecosystems that counter global warming by limiting our use of stone and natural wood. Our flagship project features a “plant factory” and extensive water recycling for resilience against future food or water shortages. RISC and FutureTales Lab  by MQDC, our research units, are also active in gaining new understanding of climate change.


Life Below Water

A team from our RISC by MQDC research unit are engaged in conserving and restoring mangroves. Their work will inform future projects to safeguard marine resources and enhance human well-being. The company is meanwhile giving coastal communities the technology and knowledge to turn ocean plastic into building materials. Our researchers are finding new applications for this waste in flooring and road surfaces. We are also engaged in a mangrove firefly conservation project to protect species and restore nature.


Life on Land

In all our property projects and societal initiatives we strive to protect the natural world. We have integrated a large forest into a residential community for the first time, with an area of deep forest exclusively for wildlife. In our “Forest for Life” project we have sponsored communities to grow millions of seedlings to expand green space. Our “Forest Rescue” initiative gathered a team of specialists to give at-risk urban trees a new home at our flagship project. Rescued trees will flourish here in safety, each carefully labeled so their original neighbors can visit and stay in touch.

SDG about Peace SDG about Peace


We are determined to foster peaceful, just, and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.



Steadfast against corruption, MQDC is part of Thailand’s first business group to be listed among the World’s Most Ethical Companies. Our protocols for procurement and our collaborative efforts for communities further help build a just, non-discriminatory society.

SDG about Partnership SDG about Partnership


We are determined to mobilize the means required to implement this agenda through a revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focused in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders, and all people. The interlinkages and integrated nature of the Sustainable Development Goals are of crucial importance in ensuring that the purpose of the new agenda is realized. If we realize our ambitions across the full extent of the agenda, the lives of all will be profoundly improved and our world will be transformed for the better.


for the Goals

In all we do we aim to connect with organizations that share our values. Through such partnerships and our growing international links we seek to play our part in fostering global sustainable development. Working with the Royal Forest Department and universities as well as contractors we are developing new knowledge on biodiversity and tree care.