Tips to Boost Your Brain with Mindfulness

Tips to Boost Your Brain with Mindfulness

How Can Mindfulness and Meditation Enhance Well-Being?

We're constantly being encouraged to "live in the present" to reduce anxiety and improve well-being. It's good advice, but pushing away bad memories is unproductive. Nobody would enjoy living in the permanent present tense. Being stuck in time is like prison. We need access to the past in order to be free from it.

Memories are stored in the connections between brain cells, referred to as "traces." When we recall an event, that memory trace is reactivated then stored again along with events that are happening now. This process is known as reconsolidation. Rumination reinforces the bad memory by pairing it with negativity, digging it deeper into the brain and giving it a more powerful hold on us.

On the other hand, when memories of past events are observed in a non-judgmental way, they can be reconsolidated and stored without being evaluated as bad or good. This technique puts ideas, thoughts, feelings and perceptions into perspective, placing a bit of distance between you and the event. This can help to heal from trauma and depressive thought patterns.

Staying Happier with Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness meditation provides guidance for developing this perspective on your experience. There is real and growing evidence that, when applied properly, it can play a role in treatments for various conditions such as depression and chronic pain.

People often say that practicing mindfulness meditation "clears the mind." In fact, mindfulness meditation is very different from clearing the mind. You simply observe, without judging, the ever-changing contents of consciousness, including thoughts, emotions, sensations and memories. No special clothing, equipment or music is required. Mindfulness is about accepting the reality in front of your nose, no matter how imperfect the conditions.

Live Well at 50+ with Mindfulness and Meditation at The Aspen Tree in The Forestias Operated by Baycrest with Holistic Lifetime Care

The Aspen Tree The Forestias Operated by Baycrest is dedicated to helping older adults live happily, healthily, and independently in an enchanting green setting. The community builds well-being in every aspect through homes, amenities, services, and activities.

Stay safe, well, and strong at 50+ in a residential community designed in every aspect for your physical, mental, and brain health. Give yourself the best environment where health professionals boost quality of life for older adults. Live life to the full, with meaning, without worry. This concept inspires The Aspen Tree at The Forestias, designed and developed with research leaders and Canada’s world-leading Baycrest Crest to meet every need of older adults. You can live in a multigeneration community in The Forestias with comprehensive health and care (Holistic Lifetime Care). Full facilities and the Health & Wellness program enhance your lifestyle with activities such as yoga, swimming, singing, playing music, meditation, outdoor activities, hydrotherapy, and much more to keep your body, mind, and brain in great shape.

The Aspen Tree at The Forestias also has a Health & Brain Center to safeguard your health and wellness. The center’s experts can delay the onset of dementia and provide care to overcome brain and memory problems. A team of healthcare specialists is on hand 24 hours a day to keep you safe and well in every aspect.

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PUBLISHED : 9 months ago

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