Boosting the Well-Being of Older Adults with Virtual Healthcare

Boosting the Well-Being of Older Adults with Virtual Healthcare

Virtual Health Programs for Older Adults

Baycrest@Home is leading an innovative project with the support of the United Way that looks at the role of virtual wellness programs in supporting older adults across Ontario.

With funding from the Community Support Recovery Fund, the project brings together leaders from 15 Seniors Active Living Centres (SALCs) to explore how communities can work together to scale and spread access to virtual programming in more streamlined and efficient ways.

Bringing Older Adults Back to Community Centers

Over the last few years, it has become apparent that there is a percentage of older adults who do not want to return to community centres following the pandemic, or who never attended community centres and can benefit from the programs and services they have to offer. Many centres run with very limited human resources, and continuing to operate virtual programs now that they have reopened their doors to in-person services is a challenge.

The Older Adult Centres’ Association of Ontario (OACAO), a provincial organization that supports older adult centres, is thrilled to be a partner on the project. Sue Hesjedahl, OACAO’s executive director says, “Baycrest@Home offers invaluable support to older adult centres by providing centralized virtual wellness programs. By ensuring accessibility and inclusivity, it keeps seniors engaged, promoting social connection, physical activity and mental well-being. It also empowers centres with limited resources to continue offering vital services, fostering a stronger aging community.”

Pilot Study of Virtual Health Program

The six-month pilot project is looking at how Baycrest@Home can support older adult centres using a centralized virtual support program. The evaluation findings will be completed and shared in June.

Boost Your All-Round Health at 50+ at The Aspen Tree in The Forestias Operated by Baycrest with Holistic Lifetime Care

Stay safe, well, and strong at 50+ in a residential community designed in every aspect for your physical, mental, and brain health. Give yourself the best environment where health professionals boost quality of life for older adults. Live life to the full, with meaning, without worry. This concept inspires The Aspen Tree at The Forestias, designed and developed with research leaders and Canada’s world-leading Baycrest Crest to meet every need of older adults. You can live in a multigeneration community in The Forestias with comprehensive health and care (Holistic Lifetime Care). Full facilities and the Health & Wellness program enhance your lifestyle with activities such as yoga, swimming, singing, playing music, meditation, outdoor activities, hydrotherapy, and much more to keep your body, mind, and brain in great shape.

The Aspen Tree at The Forestias also has a Health & Brain Center to safeguard your health and wellness. The center’s experts can delay the onset of dementia and provide care to overcome brain and memory problems. A team of healthcare specialists is on hand 24 hours a day to keep you safe and well in every aspect.

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PUBLISHED : 8 months ago

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