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Flood Update for U Khao Yai and Magnolias French Country

4 years ago
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  • Flood Update for U Khao Yai and Magnolias French Country
Flood Update for U Khao Yai and Magnolias French Country

Flood Update for U Khao Yai and Magnolias French Country

Flood Update for U Khao Yai and Magnolias French Country

At 4am on 9 October, water began to overflow from the waterway at the back of the Magnolias French Country Khao Yai development. The floodwater entered the lake and then reached the hotel lobby. At that time the hotel had guests in 59 of its 63 rooms.

At 7am, in response to the rising water level, the hotel told guests to evacuate. They left in 3 groups according to procedure, with police officers helping co-ordinate. Equipment and furniture were then carried to higher levels.

The water level began to stabilize around noon before steadily dropping in the afternoon.

At the Magnolias French Country Khao Yai residences, water entered 5 houses next to Lam Takhong. The project evacuated its residents and cut off the electricity for safety. When the water receded, staff were assigned to immediately clean each house that had been flooded.

Guests who booked directly with U Khao Yai hotel can return for a free stay.

Khun Keerin Chutumstid, President of the Property & Service Business Group of MQDC, said: “This flood was an unforeseeable natural disaster. The project surveyed the area before construction and added 1.5 meters of soil above the highest recorded flood level. But this flood was far higher than in the past. However, we are taking action to provide as much protection as we can until the end of the storm. We will provide the best care and assistance for our residents. All the hotel guests and residents clearly understand that this is a natural disaster not a normal occurrence. The flooding took less than 24 hours to drop to almost normal levels.

“Pak Chong and Nakhon Ratchasima province experienced their heaviest flooding in 20 years. Storm ‘Noul’ brought heavy rains that filled rivers and tributaries, causing floods in 10 districts. But water levels in the area of the hotel and project have fallen."

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