New Heart New World: Connecting Better with Family and Friends

How to Improve Your Relationships with Your Family and Friends
- Keep in touch
Call/text/email/write/meet more often. These days technology can help you keep in touch, even if it can never replace being together in person.
- Spend quality time
If you haven’t spent quality time with someone for a while, then arrange to do so. There are some friendships where you might catch up only once a month, others a few times a week. Every relationship’s different, so figure out who you’re neglecting and decide how you can correct this.
- Remember birthdays and other dates
This is important with friends and essential with family. Some people say they aren’t fussed whether people remember their birthday, but actually everyone appreciates it. How you remember people’s birthdays varies. Depending on how close you are, it might just be a text or a phone call, or a present.
- Look for ways to help them or make their lives better
Do a chore they normally do, give them a lift somewhere, help them carry something.
- Try not to take them for granted
It’s easy to get a bit too comfortable in some relationships. We get caught up in other areas of our life and forget about some friendships. Friendships need to be maintained or they will fade.
- Open up
Tell them how great they are and how much you love having them as a friend/partner etc. Be specific, tell them what it is that you love about them and why that is such a great thing.
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