MQDC Aids UN Earthquake Relief in Turkey and Syria

MQDC Aids UN Earthquake Relief in Turkey and Syria

25 April 2023, Bangkok – MQDC donated 100,000 baht each to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, and UNICEF, to help provide vital aid in Syria and Turkey to victims of the earthquakes on 6 February.

Dr. Wit Soontaranun, Chief Social Contribution Officer of MQDC’s parent group, DTGO, presented the donation to Ms. Arunee Achakulwisut, Director of Private Sector Partnerships Service – UNHCR Thailand, at 101 True Digital Park. Mr. Neal Kennard, Chief of Private Sector Fundraising and Partnerships – UNICEF Thailand, accepted the donation at the agency’s office. 

MQDC support will allow UNHCR to distribute core relief items such as tents, winter blankets, mattresses, and hygiene items to forcibly displaced people affected by the powerful earthquakes. 

UNICEF is urgently getting essentials to children and families such as hygiene kits, blankets, clothing, food and water.

The agency is also looking after lost children, helping them find their families and receive psychological help, and creating a safe space for homeless children and families.

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